Process Substitution

Piping the stdout of a command into the stdin of another is a powerful technique. But, what if you need to pipe the stdout of multiple commands? This is where process substitution comes in.

Process substitution feeds the output of a process (or processes) into the stdin of another process.

Command list enclosed within parentheses



Process substitution uses /dev/fd/<n> files to send the results of the process(es) within parentheses to another process. [1]

Caution: There is no space between the the "<" or ">" and the parentheses. Space there would give an error message.

bash$ echo >(true) /dev/fd/63

bash$ echo <(true) /dev/fd/63

bash$ echo >(true) <(true) /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62

bash$ wc <(cat /usr/share/dict/linux.words) 483523 483523 4992010 /dev/fd/63

bash$ grep script /usr/share/dict/linux.words | wc 262 262 3601

bash$ wc <(grep script /usr/share/dict/linux.words) 262 262 3601 /dev/fd/63

Note: Bash creates a pipe with two file descriptors, --fIn and fOut--. The stdin of true connects to fOut (dup2(fOut, 0)), then Bash passes a /dev/fd/fIn argument to echo. On systems lacking /dev/fd/<n> files, Bash may use temporary files.

Process substitution can compare the output of two different commands, or even the output of different options to the same command.

bash$ comm <(ls -l) <(ls -al)
total 12
-rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo       78 Mar 10 12:58 File0
-rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo       42 Mar 10 12:58 File2
-rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo      103 Mar 10 12:58
        total 20
        drwxrwxrwx    2 bozo bozo     4096 Mar 10 18:10 .
        drwx------   72 bozo bozo     4096 Mar 10 17:58 ..
        -rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo       78 Mar 10 12:58 File0
        -rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo       42 Mar 10 12:58 File2
        -rw-rw-r--    1 bozo bozo      103 Mar 10 12:58

Process substitution can compare the contents of two directories -- to see which filenames are in one, but not the other.

diff <(ls $first_directory) <(ls $second_directory)

Some other usages and uses of process substitution:

read -a list < <( od -Ad -w24 -t u2 /dev/urandom ) # Read a list of random numbers from /dev/urandom, #+ process with "od" #+ and feed into stdin of "read" . . .

# From "insertion-sort.bash" example script. # Courtesy of JuanJo Ciarlante.


PORT=6881 # bittorrent

# Scan the port to make sure nothing nefarious is going on. netcat -l $PORT | tee>(md5sum ->mydata-orig.md5) | gzip | tee>(md5sum - | sed 's/-$/mydata.lz2/'>mydata-gz.md5)>mydata.gz

# Check the decompression: gzip -d<mydata.gz | (md5sum -c mydata-orig.md5) # The MD5sum of the original checks stdin and detects compression issues.


cat <(ls -l) # Same as ls -l | cat

sort -k 9 <(ls -l /bin) <(ls -l /usr/bin) <(ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin) # Lists all the files in the 3 main 'bin' directories, and sorts by filename. # Note that three (count 'em) distinct commands are fed to 'sort'.

diff <(command1) <(command2) # Gives difference in command output.

tar cf >(bzip2 -c > file.tar.bz2) $directory_name # Calls "tar cf /dev/fd/?? $directory_name", and "bzip2 -c > file.tar.bz2". # # Because of the /dev/fd/<n> system feature, # the pipe between both commands does not need to be named. # # This can be emulated. # bzip2 -c < pipe > file.tar.bz2& tar cf pipe $directory_name rm pipe # or exec 3>&1 tar cf /dev/fd/4 $directory_name 4>&1 >&3 3>&- | bzip2 -c > file.tar.bz2 3>&- exec 3>&-

Here is a method of circumventing the problem of an echo piped to a while-read loop running in a subshell.

Code block redirection without forking

#!/bin/bash # wr-ps.bash: while-read loop with process substitution.

# This example contributed by Tomas Pospisek. # (Heavily edited by the ABS Guide author.)


echo "random input" | while read i do global=3D": Not available outside the loop." # ... because it runs in a subshell. done

echo "\$global (from outside the subprocess) = $global" # $global (from outside the subprocess) =

echo; echo "--"; echo

while read i do echo $i global=3D": Available outside the loop." # ... because it does NOT run in a subshell. done < <( echo "random input" ) # ^ ^

echo "\$global (using process substitution) = $global" # Random input # $global (using process substitution) = 3D: Available outside the loop.

echo; echo "##########"; echo

# And likewise . . .

declare -a inloop index=0 cat $0 | while read line do inloop[$index]="$line" ((index++)) # It runs in a subshell, so ... done echo "OUTPUT = " echo ${inloop[*]} # ... nothing echoes.

echo; echo "--"; echo

declare -a outloop index=0 while read line do outloop[$index]="$line" ((index++)) # It does NOT run in a subshell, so ... done < <( cat $0 ) echo "OUTPUT = " echo ${outloop[*]} # ... the entire script echoes.

exit $?

This is a similar example.

Redirecting the output of process substitution into a loop.

!/bin/bash # psub.bash

# As inspired by Diego Molina (thanks!).

declare -a array0 while read do array0[${#array0[@]}]="$REPLY" done < <( sed -e 's/bash/CRASH-BANG!/' $0 | grep bin | awk '{print $1}' ) # Sets the default 'read' variable, $REPLY, by process substitution, #+ then copies it into an array.

echo "${array0[@]}"

exit $?

# ====================================== #

bash psub.bash

#!/bin/CRASH-BANG! done #!/bin/CRASH-BANG!

Another example:

# Script fragment taken from SuSE distribution:

# --------------------------------------------------------------# while read des what mask iface; do # Some commands ... done < <(route -n) # ^ ^ First < is redirection, second is process substitution.

# To test it, let's make it do something. while read des what mask iface; do echo $des $what $mask $iface done < <(route -n)

# Output: # Kernel IP routing table # Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface # U 0 0 0 lo # --------------------------------------------------------------#

# As Stéphane Chazelas points out, #+ an easier-to-understand equivalent is: route -n | while read des what mask iface; do # Variables set from output of pipe. echo $des $what $mask $iface done # This yields the same output as above. # However, as Ulrich Gayer points out . . . #+ this simplified equivalent uses a subshell for the while loop, #+ and therefore the variables disappear when the pipe terminates.

# --------------------------------------------------------------#

# However, Filip Moritz comments that there is a subtle difference #+ between the above two examples, as the following shows.

( route -n | while read x; do ((y++)); done echo $y # $y is still unset

while read x; do ((y++)); done < <(route -n) echo $y # $y has the number of lines of output of route -n )

More generally spoken ( : | x=x # seems to start a subshell like : | ( x=x ) # while x=x < <(:) # does not )

# This is useful, when parsing csv and the like. # That is, in effect, what the original SuSE code fragment does.

[1]This has the same effect as a named pipe (temp file), and, in fact, named pipes were at one time used in process substitution.